書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Are You My Mother?
ISBN: 0-394-80018-4
編號: R-E005-B40
作者: P.D.Eastman
出版社: Random House
封面: Hardback
頁數: 64頁
適合年齡: 5+歲
訂價: $260
本書主要在描寫一隻剛孵出來的小鳥四處找媽媽的故事,在沿途中牠碰到了貓,母雞,狗,船,飛機,最後牠能不能找到自己的媽媽呢? 這是一則相當溫馨可愛的小故事,文字相當簡單, 適合5歲以上兒童閱讀。

Illus. In color. A baby bird is hatched while his mother is away. Fallen from his nest, he sets out to look for her and asks everyone he meets -- including a dog, a cow, and a plane -- "Are you my mother?"--Random House