書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Wings on Things
ISBN: 0-394-85130-7
編號: R-E005-A17
作者: Marc Brown
出版社: Random House
封面: Hardback
頁數: 26頁
適合年齡: 5+歲
訂價: $260

Illustrated in full color. "Wings! Wings! Wings! They are wonderful flying things…" Come join Marc Brown for a wacky, whimsical whirl through the world of winged things. Kids will learn about creatures and things that have wings and - equally as important - those that don't. "Wings are on eagles. Never on beagles. Always on ducks. Never on trucks. Wings on chairs. Never on bears…" Brown's dazzling, bold art perfectly complements his easy-to-read rhyming text giving this spiffy reissue a truly nifty set of sales wings!--Random House