書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Junie B., First Grader Boo…And I Mean It![HB]
ISBN: 0-375-82806-0
編號: R-E001-24
作者: Barbara Park
出版社: Randomhouse
封面: Hardback
頁數: 86頁
適合年齡: 9+歲
訂價: $280
萬聖節到了!卻是淘氣的 Junie B.最害怕的一天,原本以為可以賴在床上就不會被發現,最後還是被媽媽給挖了起來,她最後會裝扮成什麼呢?她能克服「萬聖節」的恐懼,要到很多的糖果嗎?相當有趣的萬聖節故事喔! 這一系列的故事主要在描寫小女孩 Junie B. Jones 在幼稚園裏所發生的故事,從第18集開始,則是描寫這個調皮的小女孩小學一年級所發生的有趣的故事.

It’s Halloween! Only here’s the trouble, Junie B. Jones is afraid to go trick-or-treating. ‘Cause what if witches and monsters are really real? And what if pumpkins with sharp teeth can eat your feet? And don’t even get her started on the candy corn problem. So how is Junie B. supposed to even enjoy this scary holiday? But then---with a little help from a friend--- she gets an idea for a costume guaranteed to outscare even the creepiest competition. And so maybe Halloween will turn out to be a real scream after all!