書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Junie B. Jones And Her Big Fat Mouth
ISBN: 0-679-84407-4
編號: R-E001-03
作者: Barbara Park
出版社: Random House
封面: Paperback
頁數: 72頁
適合年齡: 10+歲
訂價: $160
這一系列的故事都在描寫Junie B. Jones在學校及家裏所發生的小故事,相當有趣的一套書。適合國小中年級兒童閱讀。

Something life is P.U. Junie B.'s having a rough week. First she got punishment for shooting off her mouth in kindergarten. And now she's in big trouble again! "Cause Monday is Job Day, and Junie B. told her class that she's got the bestest job of all. Only, what the heck is it?