書中的小熊總是東西到處亂扔,這一天下雨想出去玩水時才發現雨鞋只剩一隻,當牠好不容易到了另一隻時,卻發現牠最喜歡的鱷魚娃娃Snappy竟然不見了,於是只好又翻箱倒櫃的找,牠能找到Snappy嗎?小朋友你是不是也跟小熊一樣呢?適合5歲以上兒童閱讀。PITTER, PATTER, PLIP, PLOP! It's raining! "Let's go splashing," says Newton the Bear to Snappy the Alligator. But when Newton can find only one rain boot the search is on, causing the biggest mess ever! And if that's not enough trouble, what happens when Newton discovers he has lost something much more important - oh, no! Where's Snappy gone?