在這個故事中的公雞為了想要得到稻草人的帽子用自己的毛去跟驢子換了批肩,拿批肩跟貓頭鷹換眼鏡給羊,再拿羊毛跟知更鳥換了緞帶給驩換了稻草人所要的拐杖,終於拿到了牠所想到的帽子,而的動物也故經由交換的過程中拿到了他們所需要的東西。相當有趣的故事配合水彩栩栩如生的動物插畫,使整個故事更為活潑有趣。適合7歲以上兒童閱讀。In a delightful circular story, an offhand compliment from a chicken to a scarecrow sets off an amusing sequence of trades among friend, until each has the very thing they wished for. This story is told in expressive watercolors that capture the animals throughout the story, while giving them a human countenance. |