這本書分別描寫住在戶外跟屋子內的二隻老鼠,二者放在一起加以比較,同樣的一件事卻因環境的不同有著不同的情境。適合4歲以上兒童閱讀。George's tale of two mice introduces one who sleeps in the clock and runs between socks in a drawer. His outside counterpart lives in a tree stump and races between rocks. The oversize volume is devoted to pointing out the differences in the way the mice live, what they eat, where they hide, and who their enemies are. But this is not a country mouse/city mouse story. Yes, the mice are adorable, but they aren't humanized-- at least in the story itself (they do, however, touch paws on the cover, and one plays a trumpet on the endpapers). Facing pages depict how their existences differ due to where each one lives. This display of difference, though informative, would have become boring, were it not for George's precisely rendered paintings. The mice frolic against jewel-toned backgrounds so exquisitely detailed that children can spot a tiny bug on a leaf in the background and individual hairs on a cat's coat. Unusual perspectives also add visual interest. Ilene Cooper Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved |