海洋能給我們什麼呢? 來個海岸一日之旅吧,相信你可以發現海洋是那麼的寬廣,可以從它身上學到那麼多的東西。拿著這本書陪著你的孩子一起去海邊走一趟吧,相信這個是相當好的生活教材。適合8歲以上兒童閱讀。Close-up photographs of sand allow readers to see every raspy grain , and cut-paper collages splash across the sandy, shell-strewn background to form incoming surf or dune plants such as periwinkle and hibiscus. As we walk along the shore with the author, we find beach glass, flotsam, a little jetsam, pelican feathers, black skate egg pouches, and other shore-side marvels. A glossary provides more information. |