書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Fall Leaves Fall
ISBN: 978-0590100809
編號: A02-B-K2-001
作者: Zoe Hall
出版社: Scholastic
封面: Paperback
頁數: 30頁
適合年齡: 4+歲
訂價: $245
作者用相當簡單的文字描寫出秋天的景象, 再加上全書都是剪紙的插畫, 使得內容更為生動有趣。書尾還附上了葉子季節的變化。適合兒童閱讀。

With simple, exuberant text and crisp, colorful paper collage illustrations, this newest collaboration shows all the best things to do with leaves: kicking them, collecting them, making pictures with them, raking leaves into piles--and jumping in! Let the fun begin: Fall, leaves, fall!