找找看, 你是不是能找到書上提示的東西及正確的數量, 這本書有點類似尋寶的遊戲, 包含了在怪物王國裏可以看到的東西,小朋友可以藉著找到相同的東西的方式, 來認得這些單字,同時可以與怪物一起玩耍喔!適合5歲以上兒童閱讀。Have you ever heard a scufflebump under your bed? Or has a scaremonger made you jump out of your skin? In this book, you can find and count all kinds of strange monsters, and discover what they get up to when no one's looking. Perfect for ages 6 and up. 31 pages. Size of book: 9 1/8 x 10 5/8 inches. Pages: 32. |