這本書主要在介紹蛾的一生,從出生到找到伴侶,覓食、躲避敵人的迫害,接著又繁衍它的下一代。The Nature Upclose 系列的書都是在介紹各種不同昆蟲、動植物的一生。用字不是太深,再配上生動的圖片,讓讀者可以更深入去認識各種生物的一生而不會感到枯燥。適合5歲以上兒童閱讀。Have you ever wondered how some of nature’s smallest creatures spend their days? Here’s your chance to take a scientifically accurate peek at the world from their point of view. In each book, the striling illustrations and lively storyline follow a small plant or animal as it hunts for food, faces its enemies, and interacts with humans. |