這本書中提出了八十幾個太空探險相關的問題及解答。 這一系列的書都是屬於「問」與「答」的科學探索,讀者可以從問題中學到很多平常不知道的科學新知。適合11歲以上兒童閱讀及圖書館收藏。Provides answers to commonly asked questions about space exploration, including “ Which was the first living being in space?” and “ Do you grow taller or shorter in space?” In this book you will find the answers to 80 questions about space exploration. When did the space age begin? Who was the first woman in space? What was it like to walk on the moon? Can you take a shower in space? Will people ever live in space cities? You can read straight through and become an expert. You can find answers fast and quiz your friends. There are hundreds of facts to collect, plus dramatic illustrations that show the exciting past, present, and future of space exploration. |