這本書是六本小書的合集,內容包含了 ”Where did dinosaurs go?”、”How does a bird fly?”、”How do animals talk?”、”Why do tigers have stripes?”、”What makes a flower grow?”、”How do bees make honey?”,這是一本自然科學的基礎入門書,透過此書的閱讀,小朋友可以對日常生活中常見的動物、昆蟲及其生活有了初步的了解,同時可以解答他們心中很多的疑問喔!適合5歲以上兒童閱讀。This detailed, information-packed book is an ideal first introduction for young children to many fascinating aspects of the lives and habits of animals and the secrets of the plant kingdom. The book answers questions about dinosaurs, and what happened to them, how the shape of a bird’s wing affects how it flies, why bees dance in circles, why leopards have spots, why flowers smell and how wolves “talk” to each other. The simple text and lively illustrations combine to reveal each subject in clear, step-by-step stages. Young children who are just beginning to read will enjoy sharing this book with an adult, while more confident readers will have fun discovering for themselves. |