這本書主要在介紹交通工具,作者把交通工具分為空中飛、海中航行的以及在陸地上行走的汽車來介紹。從這本書中可以看到各式各樣不同的交通工具及他們如何在空中、海上及陸地上行走以達到便利交通的目的。喜歡各種交通工具的讀者千萬不能錯過的好書。適合5歲以上兒童閱讀。This book introduces young readers to the exciting world of transport. Divided into three sections, it gives clear descriptions of the scientific principles behind planes, cars and boats. The first section shows how planes stay up in the air, how helicopters fly and also looks at wind power and space flight. The second section explains how cars work, with details about the engine, gearbox and brakes, and describes many types of motorbikes and trains. The final section explains how ships float, and gives interesting facts about liners, hovercrafts and submarines. The clear, simple text and bright, detailed illustrations combine to make this a lively introduction to a fascinating subject. |