書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Junie B., First Grader #20: Toothless Wonder[HB]
ISBN: 0-375-80295-9
編號: R-E001-20
作者: Barbara Park
出版社: Randomhouse
封面: Hardback
頁數: 80頁
適合年齡: 9+歲
訂價: $280
在這一集中 Junie B.的大門牙在搖了,似乎就快掉了!大家似乎對她的門牙都很感興趣,只有她很害怕自己會不會跟無牙的Uncle Lou一樣?還有要怎麼處理那顆牙?牙齒仙子是不是一個大巫婆?還是真的是一個仙子呢?她的腦瓜子裏有著一大堆的疑問,可是牙齒一轉眼就快掉了!這一次她又會鬧出什麼大笑話呢?適合9歲以上兒童閱讀。

One of Junie B. Jone’s top front teeth is loose! Only Junie B. is not that thrilled about this development. Because what if she looks like toothless Uncle Lou? And even worse… what’s all this tooth fairy business? Like, who is this woman, really? And what does she do with all those used teeth? So many questions, so little time.