書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Whose Tail Is That?
ISBN: 978-19-0328544-2
編號: A13-A-K2-003
作者: Christine Nicholls
出版社: Happy Cat
封面: Paperback
頁數: 30頁
適合年齡: 5+歲
訂價: $210
二隻貪玩的小猴子和媽媽走失了,好心的小鳥帶著他們去找媽媽, 他們一路上看到了獅子的尾巴,大象的尾巴…等等, 最後他們能找到自己的媽媽嗎? 小朋友可以從動物的尾巴來猜出動物的名稱嗎? 相當有趣的一本書。

Two little monkeys ran off to play. Soon they had wandered far far away. A bird found them crying a long way from home. " Can I help you monkeys? You seem all along." And so the search begins for the monkeys' missing mother, chasing tails among the reed, rocks , and treetops of the african landscape, and discovering who they belong to along the way.