書籍資料 Book Details
ISBN: 0-439-63592-6
編號: A05-E-E1-003
作者: Erik Kraft
出版社: Scholastic
封面: Paperback
頁數: 30頁
適合年齡: 6+歲
訂價: $210
故事中的小女孩 Tina因為非常喜歡吃巧克力,所以大家都叫她Chocolatina,班上的健康教育老師有句銘言:「你吃什麼就會變成什麼」。有一天晚上她夢到自己竟然變成了巧克力,在學校、家裏都鬧出了很多笑話,最後還差一點被健康教育的老師給吃了!這是怎麼一回事呢?很有趣的故事。適合6歲以上兒童閱讀。

Tina loves chocolate more than anything else, "more than birthdays, more than roller skating, and definitely more than dried fruit." When her health teacher, Mrs. Ferdman, makes the class repeat the mantra, "You are what you eat," Tina wishes it would come true. When she wakes up the next morning to find herself transformed, though, she discovers that being chocolate isn't nearly as much fun as eating it. To Tina's great relief, however, she is restored to her normal self the next day, and resolves to give up her favorite treat foreverAright after a giant bowl of Choco-Crunchies. Children will appreciate this story's zany humor, and will particularly enjoy seeing the prim Mrs. Ferdman receive her just deserts. Tina is a spirited heroine who will surely gain the sympathy of anyone who has ever had too much of a good thing. The illustrations, brimming with child appeal, show youngsters at their wacky bestAgrimacing at dried prunes and staring with raised eyebrows at their chocolate classmate. Sly details appear here and there in the paintings: a snake slithers out of someone's desk and Mrs. Ferdman wears earrings shaped like chocolate kisses. Filled with exuberance from start to finish, this story will make a rousing read-aloud.Adawn Amsberry, Oakland Public Library, CA Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc.